Left Column configuration
Left side BulletTree Menu
The side menu you see on left column is vertical tree-like menu presentation called BulletTree. By default all submenu items are collapsed until you select the parent menu item. Submenu items of each level have their own bullets to make it easier to distinguish. Please make following steps:
- In module manager click on the menu module you want to use as main menu module. By default, Joomla! 1.5 comes with various menu modules and there is Left Menu module among them. That might be the perfect choice.
- In module’s configuration page setup following parameters:
- Title: Side Menu (or any other you like)
- Show title: Yes
- Enabled: Yes
- Position: left
- Menu Assignment: All (or at least Home)
- Menu Name: mainmenu (you might want to use another menu source here)
- Menu Style: List
- Start Level: 0
- End Level: 0
- Always show sub-menu Items: No
- Menu Tag ID: empty or any other you like
- Menu Class Suffix: -bullettree
- Module Class Suffix: -box box-grey
On the demo website side menu is shown in Grey Box module styles, but you can use any other module styles. For more information about all available menu styles and module styles please refer to JSN Epic PRO Configuration Manual.
Login Form Module
The Login Form you see on left column module is standard Login Form module shown with Green Box module styles and User icon in module’s title. Let’s see how to set it up:
- Go to module manager by menu Extensions -> Module Manager.
- Click on Login Form in module list.
- In module’s configuration page you need to setup following parameters
- Title: Login Form (or anything you like)
- Show title: Yes
- Position: left
- Enabled: Yes
- Menu Assignment: All (or at least Home)
- Module Class Suffix: -box box-green icon-user
- Click button Save.
If you want you can apply any other module styles available in JSN Epic PRO. For more information about all available module styles and icons please refer to JSN Epic PRO Configuration Manual.
Syndicate Module
The Syndicate module you see on left column is standard Syndicate module shown with plain background and RSS icon in module’s title. Let’s see how to set it up:
- Go to module manager by menu Extensions -> Module Manager.
- Click on Syndicate in module list.
- In module’s configuration page you need to setup following parameters
- Title: Syndicate (or anything you like)
- Show title: Yes
- Position: left
- Enabled: Yes
- Menu Assignment: All (or at least Home)
- Module Class Suffix: -plain icon-rss
- Click button Save.
If you want you can apply any other module styles available in JSN Epic PRO. For more information about all available module styles and icons please refer to JSN Epic PRO Configuration Manual.