Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) hosted its inaugural National Environment Conference on Transitioning to a climate resilient future in Melbourne on the 15 – 16 April 2010 at the hotel Sofitel.
WPC Group was in attendance sharing and promoting our GreenSkill initiative by handing out our GreenSkills program brochure, business cards and tree saplings. Our passionate and enthusiastic representatives in attendance, Mr Paul Elliott (Industry consultant), Ms Kristie Cooper and Ms Leah Hawkins (Administration) were kept busy throughout the conference duration answering questions from in excess of 250 guests from both the public and private sector that attended.
MAV was developed and hosted by local government for local government and business’s, at this particular conference attendees considered and discussed climate challenges and opportunities in the areas of mitigation, adaptation and adjustment.
The conference explored a range of current and practical local government climate change responses from across Australia and internationally, as well as advice from leading experts.
Local government transitioning to a climate resilient future will require multidisciplinary action and conference attendees had the opportunity to learn more about innovative and leading climate change examples in the areas of the built environment; distributed water and energy systems; natural resource management; community health and wellbeing; agriculture and farming communities; legislation and insurance; coastal planning and green collar industries.
Some other key note speakers that really proved amazing to watch at the event included, Ms Larrisa Brown (Executive Director, Centre of Sustainability Leadership) spoke about and existing of 10 different types of Leaders in Sustainability. Ms Nina Rogers (Manager Climate Change and Environment Policy, MAV) Spoke on her experience from a UK, EU and USA perspective in relation to climate change and Dr Kate Auty (Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability) Spoke about what it takes to become a climate resilient council on a state-wide basis.
WPC Group would like to thank and congratulate MAV for facilitating and letting WPC Group support and participate in such a successful conference and we look forward to part taking in 2011.