Bottom Promotion Modules

All 3 bottom promotion modules are pretty similar to the Welcome module discussed in previous section. The major difference here is they are published in other various module positions and the content part is little bit different. To create that module please make following steps:
- Go to module manager by menu Extensions -> Module Manager.
- Click button New on the top toolbar.
- Click line Custom HTML.
- In new module’s configuration page you need to setup following parameters
- Title: User Module (or anything you like)
- Show title: Yes
- Position: user5 (left) or user6 (center) or user7 (right)
- Enabled: Yes
- Module Class Suffix: -plain icon-dots
- Content:
<img class="image-left image-border" src="" alt="Bottom Promotion" />Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nullam sem. Cras erat ipsum, euismod ut, rutrum in, dignissim quis, libero. Praesent fermentum. - Menu Assignment: All (or at least Home)
- Click button Save.
Now, when you have got the idea how to have bottom promotion modules, it?s time to setup your own image and text. The best size for your images here is 100px * 100px.
Copyright text

The Copyright text module is another User module configured to contain copyright text. To create that module please make following steps:
- Go to module manager by menu Extensions -> Module Manager.
- Click button New on the top toolbar.
- Click line Custom HTML.
- In new module’s configuration page you need to setup following parameters<
- Title: Copyright (or anything you like)
- Show title: No
- Position: footer
- Enabled: Yes
- Custom Output:
Copyright © 2006 – 2008 All rights reserved unless otherwise stated. - Menu Assignment: All
- Click button Save.
Now, you just need to setup your own text.
Bottom DivBar Menu

The DivBar menu in the bottom position is simple yet nice menu bar with items separated by slightly visible dashes. Please make following steps:
- In module manager click on the menu module you want to use as top menu module. By default, Joomla! 1.5 comes with various menu modules and there is Footer Menu module among them. That might be the perfect choice.
- In module’s configuration page setup following parameters:
- Title: Footer Menu (or any other you like)
- Show title: No
- Enabled: Yes
- Position: bottom
- Menu Assignment: All
- Menu Name: mainmenu (you might want to use another menu source here)
- Menu Style: List
- Start Level: 0
- End Level: 1
- Always show sub-menu Items: No
- Menu Tag ID: empty or any other you like
- Menu Class Suffix: -divbar
For more information about all available menu styles please refer to JSN Epic PRO Configuration Manual.